As a fan of Sarah Palin, the great actress of star studded films such as Who’s Nailin Palin? Moose Knuckle Mayhem and Alaskan Ass Adventures 16, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that she has returned to the public spot light.
News broke yesterday of the upcoming release of Sarah’s critically acclaimed autobiography. The book details Sarah’s sexual encounters with former NBA All-Star Glen Rice, we all knew he was good at nailing 3’s. The steamy affair took place in the late 1980’s while Glen was the star basketball player at the University of Michigan. This was the surprising part, because geography class in high school taught us that Michigan is home to the world’s most mythical creatures, gingers. Glen Rice, however is black (well before he got the NBA money because we all know what money does, it makes you tip at restaurants).
Now, my math ain’t too good, due to public education and a severe case of assburgers, but something doesn’t add up. I assume Sarah Palin is white (that’s how she looks in the movies and since all movies are real I’ll mark one down for white). Add in a future NBA player before he got money and what do you get? One white girl, who is a future porn star + One black guy, who is a future NBA star, equals….
After placing the algebraic equation into my handy dandy Texas Instruments graphing calculator, that I had to buy for high school but never used because of that damn game snake, the answer is…. A Kardashian.
Ahhh you've managed to be clever, yet again. So glad you're back! Fav. line..."because we all know what money does, it makes you tip at restaurants".